Saunders, Tanya. Cuban Underground Hip Hop: Black Thoughts, Black Revolution, Black Modernity. . University of Texas Press. Publication date 11/30/15 

Awarded Honorable Mention for the Barbara Christian Prize for best book in the Humanities, announced at the 42nd Caribbean Studies Association Conference (2017)

Saunders, Tanya (2021) Portuguese Translation of Cuban Underground Hip Hop – Hip Hop Cubano Underground: Pensamento Negro, Revolução Negro, Modernidade Negro. State University of Santa Cruz, Ilhéus, Bahia, Brazil, Fall 2021


“While other monographs such as Geoffrey Baker’s Buena Vista in the Club or Marc Perry’s Negro Soy Yo explore similar topics, Cuban Underground Hip Hop stands out because of its focus on the intersectionality of race and gender.” - Véronique Hélénon (2019)

Raul Fernandez (2019) Music, blackness, and black identity in Cuba, Latin American and Caribbean Ethnic Studies, 14:1, 90-99, DOI: 10.1080/17442222.2019.1560613

 Matthew Leslie Santana. "Cuban Underground Hip Hop: Black Thoughts, Black Revolution, Black Modernity by Tanya L. Saunders (review)." Cuban Studies 47 (2019): 341-343. (accessed July 21, 2019).

 Hélénon, Véronique. (2019) Cuban Underground Hip Hop: Black Thoughts, Black Revolution, Black Modernity, by Tanya L. Saunders in New West Indian Guide / Nieuwe West-Indische Gids Volume 93: Issue 1-2  DOI:

Ohmer, Sarah. (2018) Cuban Underground Hip Hop: Black Thoughts, Black Revolution, Black Modernity by Tanya Saunders  Publication of the Afro-Latin/American Research Association (palara) ISSN2639-1295 Fall 2018 • Issue 22

Carlos Dávalos, « Tanya L. Saunders, Cuban Underground Hip-hop: Black Thoughts, Black Revolution, Black Modernity », Transposition [En ligne], 7 | 2018, mis en ligne le 15 septembre 2018, consulté le 22 juillet 2019. URL :

Fountain, Anne. Review of Cuban Underground Hip Hop: Black Thoughts, Black Revolution, Black Modernity, by Tanya L. Saunders. The Americas 74, no. 3 (2017): 401-403.

 Baker, Geoff. (2017) Whither Cuban Hip Hop Studies?Cuban Underground Hip Hop: Black Thoughts, Black Revolution, Black Modernity. Tanya L. Saunders. Austin, TX: University of Texas Press, 2015. 368 pp.Negro Soy Yo: Hip Hop and Raced Citizenship in Neoliberal Cuba. Marc D. Perr; The Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology 22(2):396-400 · July 2017


Saunders, Tanya. (2022) São As Mulheres Negras Cisgênero? Analisando a invisibilidade de negritude nos debates sobre gênero e transfobia. In Cadernos de Linguagem e Sociedade. Journal of the University of Brasilia. Special Issue: Kassandra Muniz and Ana Lu Silva Souza (eds).

Saunders, Tanya. (2022) Theorizing Kuirlombismos and Black Liberation Across the Diaspora: Black Brazilian Artivists Challenge the Coloniality of Affect. In GLQ: A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies. Duke University Press. Issue 28:4, October.

Saunders, Tanya. (2018) SomosMuchoMas: Arts-Based Public Spheres and Possibilities for Democratic Praxis in Post-Embargo Cuba. In Reforming Communism: Cuba in Comparative  Perspective. University of Texas Press.  Branche, Jerome, ed.

Saunders, Tanya. (2017) Epistemologia negra sapatão como vetor de uma práxis humana libertária in Periódicus, Salvador, n. 7, v. 1, maio-out. 2017 – Revista de estudos indisciplinares em gêneros e sexualidades Publicação periódica vinculada ao Grupo de Pesquisa CUS, da Universidade Federal da Bahia – UFBA ISSN: 2358-0844 – Endereço:

Saunders, Tanya. (2016) "Towards A Hemispheric Analysis of Black Lesbian Feminist Activism and Hip Hop Feminism: Artist Perspectives from Cuba and Brazil." In No Tea: No  Shade: New Writings in Black Queer Studies. Edited by E. Patrick Johnson.

Saunders, Tanya. (2016) “Towards a Transnational Hip Hop Feminist Liberatory Praxis.” In Social Identities: Journal for the Study of Race, Nation and Culture, 22(2). Co-eds. Elaine Richardson and Gwendolyn Pough.

Saunders, Tanya. (2012) “Black Thoughts, Black Activism Cuban Underground Hip-hop and Afro-Latino Countercultures of Modernity.” Latin American Perspectives. Volume 39 Issue 2 pp. 42 - 60.

Saunders, Tanya (2010). “Black Lesbians and Racial Identity in Contemporary Cuba.” In Black Women Gender and Families. Volume 4, Number 1, Spring. Champaign Urbana: University of Illinois Press. pg 1-28

Saunders, Tanya (2009). Grupo OREMI: Black Lesbians  and the Struggle for Safe Social Space in Havana,” Souls: A Critical Journal of Black Politics, Culture and Society. London: Taylor and Francis: Issue 11 Vol. 2, 167 – 185.

Saunders, Tanya (2009). “La Lucha Mujerista: Krudas CUBENSI and Black Feminist Sexual Politics in Cuba.” Caribbean Review of Gender Studies, Mona, Jamaica: University of the West Indies:

Rivera-Velázquez, C. and T. Saunders (2009). “Canta como Celia y Baila como Juana: La Prima and the Queer Transnational (Re)enactment of Black Female Cuban Stardom”. Feminist Media Studies, 9-2, 259-262.


Ramos Silva, Luciane, Tanya L. Saunders, and Sarah Soanirina Ohmer eds. (2021). Women’s Studies Quarterly Special Issue on Solidão/Black Women’s Affect. Women’s studies quarterly 49, no. 1

Saunders, Tanya and Simone Brandao, Mariana Rodrigues, Jessica Ipolito. Special Issue on Gender and Sexuality in Brazil for the Caribbean Review of Gender Studies ( December, 2020, Vol. 14

Saunders, Tanya. Special Issue of the Journal The Black Diaspora Review: The Future of African Diaspora Studies in Cuba." Vol. 5. No. 2 (Feb. 2016).


Saunders, Tanya. (2022). Reflexiones sobre Hip Hop, Sexualidad y Libración Negra. En CULTURAS DEL HIP HOP: AFRODIÁSPORA Y TRANSFORMACION SOCIAL/El Club del Espendrú. Ed. Roberto Zurbano Torres 

Saunders, Tanya (2021). Prefácio. Arco-íris  Para  Quem?: (In)Visibilidades Lésbicas por Dayana Brunetto and Grazielle Tagliamento. (2021)

Saunders, Tanya (2020). Prefácio. em TRANSCORPOÉTICO por Tiely. Ciclo Contínuo, São Paulo, Brazil

Saunders, Tanya (2020). Prefácio. em Pensamento Lésbico Contemporâneo: Decolonialidade, Memória, Família, Educação, Política e Artes. Coleção Gênero e Ciências – Tribo da Ilha, Florianópolis, Brazil 

Saunders, Tanya. (2019) “Sonhos Monstruosos E Cenas Monstruosas: Artivismo Queer E A Política Da Futuridade Feminista Negra No Brasil”  in História & Outras Eróticas, Robson P. Silva Ed. Editora Apris, Curitiba, Brazil

Saunders, Tanya. “Reflections on the Politics of Queerness, Monstrosity and Black Affect” in “Afrodescendants in Brazil: Achievements, Present Challenges, and Perspectives for the Future”/ “Afrodescendentes no Brasil: Conquistas, Desafios do Presente e Perspectivas de Futuro,”  Ana Flavia Magalhaes Pinto ed. e-book. (Forthcoming)

Saunders, Tanya. “Text #4,” in Through the Hat exhibit and book, Jewish Museum of Art-FIU, February, 2019.

Saunders, Tanya (2018) “Rumo a Práxis de um Hip Hop brasileiro feminista: Uma introdução” (Preface) in Hip Hop Feminista? Convenções de gênero e Feminismos no movimento Hip Hop soteropolitano, by Rebeca Sobral Freire, Edufba Coleção Baianas, Salvador, Bahia

Saunders, Tanya (2014) “Reflexões sobre o Hip Hop, Mudança Social e da Academia”. Em Perifeminas 2. Frente Nacional das Mulheres no Hip Hop, São Paulo, Brasil. (Translated into Portuguese by Tanya Saunders)

Saunders, Tanya (2012). Grupo OREMI: Black Lesbians and the Struggle for Safe Social Space in Havana,” in Black Genders and Sexualities Edited By Shaka McGlotten and Dána- Ain Davis. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.